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Bulletin Spring/Summer 2000 - This information is dedicated not only to the subject of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, but also to the condition of our planet and the state of Human existence, which combined, reflects past and continued interest in this speck of a planet we call home.

"Seek a Newer World"

As of late, the concept to "Seek a Newer World" would be considered rather lofty. For in a society that appears driven by an ever increasing demand for a "consensual" interpretation of perceived rational and reality, this phrase has come to personify thoughts and questions associated towards the so-called "ideals" of the Human Spirit. And to a great degree, such "ideals" have largely come to be considered "out of touch or fashion," for our society seems engulfed in an ever-consuming, unquestioned pace; perhaps too busy, tired or unwilling to reflect upon what is perceived as lofty thoughts or actions. The ever-consuming focus on "Self" continues to mutate, suffocating thoughts of greater potential or significance.

And also, admittedly the phrase is hardly a new one. Over time, generations have contemplated this concept, weaving it into numerous interpretations, including one of recent memory - an excellent and final book dedicated to this subject also titled To Seek A Newer World by the late Sen. Robert Kennedy. Since contemplation behind what it may mean to "Seek a Newer World" suggests that we revisit the reality of where we are, where we have come from, and the extent of the unlimited future challenges we may face, this in itself would be a lengthy and continual study. However, since few today could really say, to borrow an old advertisement phrase, that we are "being all we can be", considering the times, a brief reexamination appears to have singular merit.

How do we go about seeking a Newer World for the 21st century? Some may be content and find things tolerable or even comfortable as they exist, therefore resisting any desire to challenge current boundaries. Yet considering the status of both our physical and sociological environment, few could disagree that much requires our attention, therefore the question once again arises of where would one even begin? The momentum and sheer magnitude of current and progressive situations often appears insurmountable, leaning towards the perception of being beyond the scope of our mere individual abilities. Thankfully, not everyone prescribes to such a negative view, or we would not have advanced in the many areas we have. Yet, where then do we stand? What can we change, and how much?

If we were to consider where we have the greatest influence and impact certainly, before all else, the basic concept of "individual responsibility" must be addressed. Once we consider this fundamental thought, it becomes clear where our primary attention and efforts must focus. For, no matter how we evade or excuse it, we cannot ask of others that which we are not prepared to do ourselves. And to a great extent, it is with this exact duality - between what we think, say and do - where our most significant problems occur.

We ask for a cleaner planet, but in the same breath want and consume more, often finding it below our dignity to recycle or attend to our own mess. We ask for faith, yet show little, perhaps not knowing what it even means. We wish for peace, but stand ready to enforce it with war, tenaciously ready to defend our worldly acquisitions or point of view. We ask for understanding and equality, yet in a more modern sense continue to live with more subtly hidden thoughts of divisions. We ask for mercy, but administer it only when convenient. We loudly proclaim the sanctity of life, yet readily condemn those who do not agree, or worse we stand prepared to classify which or what life has or does not have value. So in reality, rather than attending to the work of disciplining ourselves, we choose to focus on the easier task of subjugating others. In many ways, we wish to play at being God, but desire absolutely none of the responsibilities.

If we observe around us today, who can truly say that overall conditions are improving? If not, then perhaps, just as we would do in order to overcome our everyday obstacles, it is about high time to try something different. If we wish to seek a Newer World, then we must recognize that we must first seek those changes in the world within ourselves. When we start within ourselves, to become the living example of something better, not only will this more than adequately occupy us, but perhaps may once again cultivate something decidedly less and less common these days - Humility. And by so doing, such may well reverberate beyond the scope of our inclinations or imaginations.

"Foolish is he who seeks for truth yet clings to those effect things that have passed away, perceiving not that truths of yesteryear fit not the circumstances of today. But wise, the man who lets no single cycle of his life find him retreating to its beaten groove; The universe moves on eternally…And he who would be the Truth must with it move" - George Adamski.

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News Of Interest

The Independent, October 1999: Left in the dark by the Moon's new Hue

" The light side of the moon is getting darker and no one seems to know why. Whether its due to "volcanic activity" or "dust kicked up from the lunar soil", pictures from the Clementine probe confirms that part of the moon is darker than it was five years ago. Even more perplexing, the reddening landscape near the crater Aristarchus, also observed by William Herschel, one of histories most renowned astronomers. Moon watchers have reported curious flashes and fleeting clouds, or TLP - Transient Lunar Phenomena - for centuries." How absolutely fascinating that the moon, which is still often referred to as a dead world, once again has admittedly volcanic activity and what is more ironic- dust which can be kicked up and transported over large areas. Once again, one may ask oneself what, if not atmosphere would support the airborne carriage and transportation of dust? (Reference Adamski discussion on the lunar environment in "Inside The Space ships", or see the G.A.F. website - - section - Alien bases on the Moon II)

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This from a reporter friend who is researching George Adamski and is composing an article for the newspaper the Orange County Register: (G.A.F note: during the same years mentioned below, along with several telescopes, Adamski resided and conducted research at the base of Mnt. Palomar)

"Here's a gem of trivia I'll share with you. When the big mirror of the Palomar telescope was brought up in 1947, it was set on a concrete platform that still sits by the observatory. In a playful mood, astronomer Olin Wilson placed a carefully-lettered sign on the platform that read, 'This Flying Saucer, drawn here by the light-gathering power of the Two-Hundred inch telescope, has brought visitors from other worlds who are currently guests of the government.' The sign was removed when a visitor complained about it.

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USA Today: Nuclear Blast on Moon once considered

In the late 1950's, as a demonstration of the United States cold war might, it considered detonating an atomic bomb on the moon. The Secret project, " A study of Lunar Research Flights," was never "officially" carried out. The project was conducted under the research of then student Carl Sagan and the Institute of Technology in Illinois. However, many nations have reportedly conducted laser targeting at the moon. The continued display of our immature minds' unbridled urge to demonstrate aggression and play with weapons of mass destruction has resulted in a great deal of lunar activity moving to the opposite side facing away from the Earth. No wonder those who observe us from space express such great reservation at our maturity, judgment and overall evolvement. By our erratic behavior and actions, they have good cause to express concern - justifiably and cautiously studying us from a distance.

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New York Times, January 2000: Chinese Love UFO's

Populations in 12 Chinese cities reported possible UFO sightings. The article stated such sightings are treated with unexpected seriousness in a country usually scrutinized and censored by its leaders. China has a bimonthly magazine with a circulation of roughly 400,000 dedicated to UFO research with the conservative state sponsored media reporting such sightings.

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USA Today, May 2000: UFO's by the Numbers

· Date of alleged UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico July 5, 1947
· Years Air Force operated project Blue Book to catalogue UFO reports 1947-69
· Number of investigated cases in this report alone… 12, 618
· Number of cases "reported" as unidentifiable ………... 701
· UFO sightings just in the year of 1999……………… 2,493

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Time Life, March 2000: UFOs - Why do we believe?

· 54% believe there is other intelligent life in the universe.
· 54% support further studies into the search for extraterrestrial life.
· 30% of Americans think intelligent beings have already visited Earth.
· 49% feel the Government is withholding evidence to the existence of UFO's.
· 43% feel that UFO's are real and not imaginary.
· 59% men, verses 49% women believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life.
· Politically, more Democrats (51%) and more Independents (63%), verses 46% Republicans and 36% Christian conservatives share the view on the probability of intelligent extraterrestrial life.
· 61% more college graduates verses 46% high school graduates believe in UFO's
· 1.6 million people signed up to computer assist with the SETI program - the Search for Extraterrestrial Life. There are 300 UFO organizations and 38 magazines dedicated to this subject. China reportedly has 40,000 ufologists.
· Today when asked if a spacecraft were to land on Earth, only one in five surveyed said they would accept the invitation to board.

G.A.F. note: This represents a dramatic decline from the 1950's, when one out of two or 50% said they would readily go on board a landing extraterrestrial space ship. Sadly, results from the segment of the officially implemented 1960's agenda to primarily instill fear and suspicion into the minds of our population concerning space visitations has worked all too well. Unfortunately, we have also proved to be very willing and influential subjects too. It certainly seems that not only has our pioneering spirit forsaken us, but our intellectual courage as well.

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Lastly, from the Life Magazine's Editor's Section:

"The UFO phenomenon represents a belief - no more irrational than a belief in God - that we are not alone. As long as scientists continue to probe the skies looking for signs of life, as long as humans can imagine, those beliefs will be with us. Indeed, 54% of Americans say they believe intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. Not all of them are crackpots."

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Houston Chronicle, March 2000: Space still calls 'perpetual Astronaut'.

Apollo 16 astronaut John Young, associate director at Johnson Space flight center in Houston, continues to have unbridled enthusiasm for exploration of the final frontier. "Nowhere holds more benefit for the future of humanity than the frontier of space. Forty years of space exploration has taught us the solar system is a very dynamic place. The threatened and endangered species is us, if you don't know how to do the kinds of things we are doing to explore space, the human race is not going to make it."

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USA Today, June 2000: 100,000 galaxies clustered in two slices of surveyed sky

A two year survey presented by astronomers described an estimated 100,000 galaxies within two slices of sky some 13 billion, billion, billion cubic light years in volume. This study represents a four times increase from previous endeavors. The "2dF Redshift" team hopes to measure 250,000 galaxies by next year, which will only represent 1/20th of the sky and be at the 1 million-galaxy mark by 2005. Imagine…. At least 1 million galaxies, with untold trillions of planets in each and every galaxy, and the numbers still continue to escalate beyond knowledge or comprehension. How expansive the cosmos is in comparison to the often-obstructed minds of human thought. Such facts and the reality of such a potentially unlimited universe makes recent articles i.e. July's issue of Scientific American, "Where are they? - Maybe we are alone in the galaxy after all" all the more questionable. Even our limited knowledge of mathematical probability acknowledges the statistical ratio supportive of extraterrestrial life. Perhaps less institutionalized hypothetical theorizing is in order, for numerous other scientists and experts have for decades publicly and conclusively supported that intelligent extraterrestrial life absolutely exists. (See G.A.F. website's quotes page)

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Star Ledger, New Jersey August 2000: New Planet comes into Astronomers' view

Labeled as bright enough to be seen by the naked eye, the yet unnamed planet orbits its sun in the nearby solar system of Epsilon Eridani which is quoted as being, "a star very similar to our own sun", and is estimated to be bigger than Jupiter. "Astronomers consider stable orbits, like those of the Earth and other nearby planets, an important factor in the development of life".

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New York Times, April 2000: Jupiter's Weather like Earth's, only more so!

Scientists analyzing data from Galileo spacecraft have concluded that the moist convention of thunderstorms on Jupiter is similar to that on Earth - only more so. While still hypothesize that the heat source is from the planet itself rather than the sun, scientists admit this hypothesis produces more questions than answers. Lightning was observed, and the development of Earth like storms. A corresponding report from Cal Tech said the lightning preceding the storms "was a critical clue indicating the presence of large amounts of water in deep clouds. So we can use the lightning as beacon points to the place where there are rapidly falling raindrops and rapidly rising columns of air."

Consider this amazing and revealing statement of free falling rain and vertical rising columns of air! Notice the stark contrast between such statements and "Official" textbook doctrines, which still adhere to the old Jovian "theories". According to the standard belief, Jupiter's has a cold sub-freezing atmosphere, with a density 1/4th that of Earth, proposed surface consisting of gases rather than solid geographical features, winds faster than 400 mph, and is composed by 80% hydrogen with the remaining 20% composed of helium, methane and ammonia. How does water exist and evaporate in sub freezing temperatures? How do clouds form and vertically rise in a supposedly titanic gale force 400-mph pure gas environment, independent of heat and geographical uplifting? How does water exist, and electrical current lightning ignite without oxygen to support it?

Clearly, not all is as we are being told.

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July 20, 2000: Researchers: Light can break own speed limit.

For decades, scientists believed that the speed of light, a speed of roughly 186,000 miles per second, and a supposed firm rule of nature could not be broken. However, another "old theory of yesteryear" has been dispelled. Physicists at Princeton have successfully sent a pulse of laser light at substantially faster speeds. Stating this effect "cannot be used to send information back in time, (G.A.F. note: no doubt irritating many Science Fiction enthusiasts), however our experiment does show that the generally held misconception that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light is wrong".

Already 50 years ago, on lectures regarding his space contacts and their method of transportation, George Adamski also referenced our misconception regarding the so-called speed of light boundary. His space contacts reported the speed of magnetism, which was approximately twice the speed of light, could be, and was being successfully used for space travel.

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Mars, Mars, Mars:

Agency France Press, printed in Belgian newspaper La Libre Belgique August 1999: Pink storm on Mars.

"NASA released information and photos from the Global Surveyor indicate the surface of Mars has unveiled a pink storm at the North Pole, multiple dust tornadoes in the south, and dunes powdered with a whitish frost. The white frost disappears with the upcoming Martian spring and reappears in the winter. But other characteristics which stunned scientists is the appearance on one photo of what looks like pine trees outlining the snow field, which at the publicly disclosed temperature of -150c, is rigorously impossible." Therefore, something must truly be amiss between what we are being told and what really is being observed. Another question too must arise. If one is to accept the official estimate of a Martian atmosphere of only 1%, and such proposed extreme temperatures, one must surely wonder how the necessary pressure, density and temporal atmospheric uplifting exists in order to support the observed tornadoes, dust storms and snow evaporation?

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This year has definitely been the year for information and discussion about Mars. Undoubtedly, many observed the multiple June 2000 headlines concerning the relatively recent indications of underground reservoirs of liquid water. NASA's chief scientist Dr. Weiler stated that if there were liquid water on Mars, it would have profound implications for the question of life on Mars, both in the past and today. Across the globe this certainly qualified as news, however in reality and interestingly this has been no secret, for identical information was reported already 15 years prior.

From the December 1985 G.A.F. Bulletin, " a recent release by NASA reveals the planet Mars does have water. In a report titled, " Red Planet, a Wet Planet", scientists noted evidence now seems conclusive that water exists on Mars, the planet holds the best opportunities for human exploration. Some 80 specialists participating in a NASA sponsored "Water on Mars" workshop gathered their findings from photographic studies by the Viking Lander. Some 20,000 high-resolution photographs were studied and it is now believed that Mars has enough water to cover its entire surface from 30 to 100 ft."

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From the April 1991 G.A.F. Bulletin: "In a March 1991 news release by United Press International, it stated that while adjusting the Hubble Telescope, scientists started a long term program to monitor the seasonal changes in the Martian atmosphere. One of the first pictures released was taken during the Martian midsummer over the southern hemisphere showing a clear sky over much of the planet, but also showing a thick canopy of clouds obscuring the north pole region. However, there was no explanation on how this cloud activity is possible with a so-called "reported" Martian atmospheric density of less than 1% of that of the Earth. Cloud cover has been observed on Mars up to an altitude of 15,000 feet and Scientists have been unable to explain how this could be possible if the atmosphere is only supposed to be 7.7 millibars. The press release continues by stating, "Mars has an active atmosphere and goes through seasonal changes much like Earth and Scientists are now in the process of monitoring the water and ozone levels in the atmosphere of Mars."

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The December 1980 G.A.F. Bulletin and excerpts from the book "Alien Bases on the Moon II": In an interview by Science Digest magazine, Founder and Director of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies Dr. R. Jastrow flatly stated that analysis of the Martian Viking probe (1976) data indicated discovery of several primitive forms of life. Dr. Levin, who did the microbe testing, also believes that test results proves life on Mars. Chief Biologist Dr. Klein admits that on the basis of he Viking 1 and 2 microbe tests, the conclusion is that metabolizing organisms were present in ALL samples tested. Dr. Klein stated, "That means life on Mars exists". Dr. Jastrow also concludes that many solar systems close to ours would have life. He also feels that all the television signals we have been sending into space have been received by other civilizations.

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And lastly, the August 1990 G.A.F. Bulletin; "When the Soviet Mars probe Phobos 2 arrived at Mars, and just prior to its mysterious disappearance, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in its nightly news hour 'The National' televised a brief report. The commentator was unable to explain the spacecraft's sudden failure, but DID enthusiastically reference 3 highly unusual photos prior to the shutdown. The first televised picture presented an infrared scanning radiometric image of the Martian surface. The close-up showed sharply defined rectangular area interconnected with a lace work of perfectly straight canals, much like city blocks. Since no corresponding surface features appeared in visible light, the IR photo was interpreted as a heat signature of underground caverns and canals. They were unusual in their extreme geometrical regularity, suggesting underground formations of artificial origin. The second photograph depicted in 'visible light' a convex elliptical shadow on the Martian landscape. The azimuth (overhead) solar inclination prevented shadow casting by Martian surface features, implying a shadow thrown by something overhead in orbit. As no corresponding object was visible in the photo, whatever cast the shadow had to be above the 300 + mile orbit of the Phobos 2. This implies a huge orbital object in order to cast a visible shadow, complete with umbra and penumbra areas. The third and final photo was not televised, due to the potentially sensitive information it contained. The Soviet commentator merely claimed that it would be presented at a 'closed' meeting with American and British officials in London later that year. The commentator however stated that, 'this last photo clearly showed an object orbiting Mars which should not be there!!!!'

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Time Magazine's Special Edition, Spring 2000. How to Save the Earth
In September a special Millennium session of the United Nations will release the first results of a combined project "Page" or Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems. This study, composed in collaboration with 175 scientists from multiple disciplines and nations, integrates data from approximately 100 prior assessments, and represents merely the beginning of an intense study regarding the state of our planet.

The reported news thus far is distinctly sobering. From the geophysical side, half the world's wetlands have been lost in the last century, 60 % of all rain forests have disappeared, 58% of coral reefs endangered by human activity, 80% of grasslands suffer from soil erosion, 20% increase of deserts and worldwide depletion of all groundwater tables. From the Biological arena was the statement, "not since an asteroid (theoretically) smacked Earth 65 million years ago have animal and plant species died off so fast. We have no idea what we are losing." Twenty percent of freshwater species have vanished or are being driven toward extinction; fishing fleets are 40% larger than the oceans can sustain, and entire food chain groups diminished by 70%. Our population continues to explode at the rate of 247 births per minute, and consumption continues to overburden our resources. Millions more tons of industrial pollutants and carbons, measurable beyond the capabilities of our planet's ability to assimilate, are daily being pumped into our atmosphere. And rather than regulating the sources of its production, absurd notions such as atomically blowing holes in the atmosphere in order to vent it into space titillate our minds inexcusable inaction's. To reiterate an old phrase, "you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see what's going on here." The trite assumption that technology alone will provide all the answers and our salvation is erroneous. If nothing else, History itself is a clear indicator of that error. Nor does the deferment of problems make for easier or more workable solutions. The intricate web of life and nature is unraveling faster than we dare realize, and we smugly go on intent on the self-indulgent debate of denial.

One Time Magazine reviewer summarized the PAGE Report as; without a doubt our planet's capacity is in a state of measurable deterioration, threatening not only our economic well being but also ultimately our very survival. Ending with the thought provoking statement, "We are borrowing heavily from our children."

For those who seek a better and newer world or perhaps even worlds elsewhere, the tenure of our guardianship here at home is hardly encouraging. As the writer of the article "All the Days of Earth," more than adequately said, " The hardest case to make for acting on an environmental conscience is that it is the right thing to do. Yet, in the end, it may be the only case worth making. If we do not respect nature, we do not respect ourselves."

We hope this bulletin, with the abundance of subjects and information provokes thoughtful stimulation and perhaps serves as encouragement towards greater individual involvement throughout all facets of life. As always, we are sincerely thankful for everyone's continued assistance and support, helping to assure our efforts persist in reaching all those interested in both extraterrestrial life, terrestrial life and greater understanding. Once again, you can find portions of our bulletins and additional information on the Adamski Foundation within the pages of our website (

Best Wishes to all ..... GAF International

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